Thursday, May 03, 2007

Next Step in Getting Relevant

I've taken another step in the getting Relevant! We've had a Netflix subscription, but basically Brian was picking out the movies he wanted to see, and sometimes a "family" movie. So this week we increased the number of movies we get at a time and I now have my own queue with things like Eragon, Jump In, and Ground Hog Day (yeah, I know that one's old, but someone keeps telling me I need to watch it :) ). The kids get their own queue too. If you know any "hot" kids movies coming out these days let me know and I'll add them to my list.


Ken said...


Some other good "kid" movies are:
High School Musical
Night at the Museum
Happy Feet

Good Luck - Ken

Unknown said...

I watch way to many movies..but here's my picks... you may want to ask Jason Ely no one watches more with their son than him.

Finding Nemo
The Incredible's
Harry Potter ( all of em)
All the Spy Kids
New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Monster Inc
Dragonball Z ( or any good anime)
Over The Hedge
Charlie and Chocolate Factory
Akeelah and the bee
Monster House
Wallace and Grommmit
Flushed Away.
The Justice League
Avatar ( get a whole season)

Shari said...

Thanks guys! Looking at these lists, I might not be as bad off as I thought, since I actually have seen a lot of those movies.