Friday, May 16, 2008

Practice #1 - April 27

April 27, 2008

(Vision. Information. Prayer.)

P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E. Definition: A custom or habit of doing something.

Protecting children with an uncompromising safety process.

Matthew 18:6
If one of these little children believes in me and someone causes that child to sin, then it will be very bad for that person. It would be better for him to have a large stone tied around his neck and be drowned in the sea.

In Kid Crossing we want kids to learn about Jesus, we want them to become Forever Friends with Him, and we want them to grow in their relationship with Him. But we want this all to happen while they are safe. Safety is a key concern for families. Safety covers a huge area in Kid Crossing. From check out, to bathrooms, to who's in your area, our policies are mainly developed around keeping both you and our kids safe.
I recently met with a children's ministry director from another church. One Sunday, not too long ago, she had one girl who passed out cold in the hallway. While people were around trying to help this girl, someone else came up and told this Director that a 2 year old had just had a seizure. After a lot of running, parents were called, 911 was called, and everything turned out OK in the end. But that conversation put things like two bathroom “accidents” in one area, into perspective for me. And helped to remind me that we've got some great systems in place to keep our kids safe and to help us when we have emergencies. We have a safety team and we have radios.
But that's just one way we keep our kids safe. We do it through background checks on volunteers, by checking out every child, no matter who they belong to, by asking strangers in our areas if we can help them, and by not giving out any information about a child to anyone. Obviously, God wants us to keep our kids safe. As we look at the Bible verse today, we see Jesus uses some pretty strong language about those who don't keep kids safe. Our systems and our kids safety is only as good as what we make it and how we work together to follow our policies. Thanks for the great job you doing caring for our kids and keeping them safe! Keep it up!

Question for this week:
Am I doing all I can in my volunteer role to Protect kids with uncompromising safety?

“In God we trust, all others must be screened.”

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