Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Our virtue in Kid Fusion for the month of February has been Service. Brian, Micah, Hannah, and I got to put that virtue into action last week after the big Vermont snowstorm. It was either a record or near a record for the most amount of snow VT's gotten in one storm. It was pretty cool. After we skied all day in the storm we headed back to my parent's house in my dad's 4 wheel drive truck. As we turned into their driveway we sent up a plume of snow. Amazingly we made it all the way back their 1/4 mile drive. But that's when the excitement began. My dad put his plow on the truck and promptly got stuck back in one of the snow banks. So we all got shovels out and shoveled, pushed, and pulled (with my mom's car) until we finally got him unstuck. That lasted for all of maybe 30 sec. and he was stuck again. Talk about service. We were able to demonstrate a lot of service by shoveling over...and over...and over again. Finally at about 9pm he got stuck again for about the 6th time and gave up. Thurs. morning dawned with a few more snowflakes, but beautiful. That is until we discovered that the entire passenger side of the truck was burried as high as the window from the back to the front. I was the lucky recipient of digging that side out. Amazingly after we dug him out on both sides and around the back he was able to back right up and a few hours later actually had the driveway completely plowed.
The kids helped practice service too when we dug a path through the back yard for my mom to get to her bird feeders. Then they helped to feed the birds and squirrels. The animals weren't too happy with us when we were back there shoveling. They were chirping up a storm. But later we could watch them through the window, enjoying the bounty we'd left for them.
Service in a snowstorm...that's my kind of service :)

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