Today turned out to be a very snowy day and my scrapbooking trip got delayed for another day. However, my lovely friend Carrie, did mention she was going Cross Country skiing. It sounded like a great idea to me, so I got on my snow gear, grabbed my skis and headed out. Ended up skiing around quite a bit of our lake! Sometimes I was plowing through 8 - 12 inches of untouched snow, other times I found snowmobile tracks. All in all I was out for almost 2 hours and it was quite an adventure! There is skiing in Michigan after just can't look for hills!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Skiing - not scrapping
Today turned out to be a very snowy day and my scrapbooking trip got delayed for another day. However, my lovely friend Carrie, did mention she was going Cross Country skiing. It sounded like a great idea to me, so I got on my snow gear, grabbed my skis and headed out. Ended up skiing around quite a bit of our lake! Sometimes I was plowing through 8 - 12 inches of untouched snow, other times I found snowmobile tracks. All in all I was out for almost 2 hours and it was quite an adventure! There is skiing in Michigan after just can't look for hills!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Happy Leap Day!
Happy February 29th! Happy Birthday, Happy anniversary, and Happy whatever else to everyone who only officially get to celebrate this day once every four years!
My daughter's snack day at school is today, so in honor of Leap Day we made frog snacks, which I found on the internet...somewhere:
Bugs - M&Ms
Flies - raisins
Worms - Chinese Noodles (or you could use pretzel sticks)
Fish - Fish crackers
It's actually a pretty tasty combination
My daughter's snack day at school is today, so in honor of Leap Day we made frog snacks, which I found on the internet...somewhere:
Bugs - M&Ms
Flies - raisins
Worms - Chinese Noodles (or you could use pretzel sticks)
Fish - Fish crackers
It's actually a pretty tasty combination
I might be an infrequent, sporadic blogger, but I think maybe I hit my quota for this month all in one night! Maybe it's a Good Thing I don't do this too often :)
Scrapbooking tomorrow
I am going scrapbooking with my great friend Carrie E. tomorrow! Life is always an adventure when I hang around with Carrie. She's always able to give me a new perspective, and just a little bit of her energy through osmosis. And you know what... it doesn't really matter how many "pages" I get done. What does matter is that I get to hang out with a great friend and do life with her!
Volunteer Thought from 2/24
February 24, 2008
Ephesians 3:20
“Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.”
Glory be to God!
The beginning of this verse puts everything we do into perspective for me. God put us here to honor and glorify Him. Not to say “Hey look, I'm so great, I'm so wonderful” But so that we can show the world who He is, so that we can be living examples of His love. We are coming to Crossroads to glorify God. We are leading our kids to bring glory to God. In turn we are teaching them how to bring glory to God. How cool is that?!
Jesus “with skin on”
We bring glory to God in Kid Crossing by becoming Jesus “with skin on” to our kids. Kids look up to people who are older than they are. They want to be just like you. Many of them come from broken homes or bad situations. You may be the only adult they associate with God. Our kids are going to learn who Jesus is, not by the information we teach them, but by the love we show them, by our actions, by how we treat them and others. Kids will watch every move you make. We are the ones who will make Jesus real...for the good or the bad. The question we have to ask ourselves every week, every day even, is “How am I being Jesus with skin on to the kids (and other adults) I'm interacting with? “
Share Examples this week
Let me know how you brought Glory to God this week, in Kid Crossing or any area of your life. OR let me know how you saw someone else bringing Glory to God and being Jesus with skin on. Then I'll pass your examples on to the rest of the team so we can celebrate!
email me:
call me: 517-270=538
stop me in the hall: somewhere between the cafeteria, the gym, the library, or the auditorium :)
Questions to ponder this week
Are you glorifying God in your life and your ministry? How?
How will our kids see “Jesus with skin on” in you this week? Next week?
Who can you invite to serve with you so that they can experience glorifying God by serving His kids?
Pray this week about how you can bring Glory to God by being Jesus with skin on to those you work with, live with, and serve.
Dear God,
Thank you for creating us to bring glory to You. Help us this week to look for and find ways that we can bring glory to You. Help us to be Jesus with skin on to our kids, and everyone we come in contact with. Amen.
Policy Reminder of the week:
Do NOT let any child leave your area without properly checking and matching the child's tag and parent's receipt. If either tag or receipt is missing there are missing receipt forms to fill out. If you are unsure what to do radio for a KC Director and one of us will come help you.
Take a little extra time. It's OK if a parent gets upset or has to stay 5 more minutes. Our kids' safety is worth it. Our safety system is only as good as we follow through with it.
No Exceptions!
Upcoming Events:
KC Inside Story: March 2 from 1:00 – 3:00
What is Kid Crossing all about?
Learn Policies and Procedures
Invite someone who you think wants to make a difference and come with them
Required for new volunteers and those who haven't come to one yet.
Lunch & Child care will be provided
Egg Stuffing: March 16 at 3pm
Egg Hunt: March 21 at 8pm
Crossroads Easter Experiences:
Saturday, March 22, 4pm and 5:30pm
Sunday, March 23, 9:30am and 11am
Sign up for the experiences that you will get to be a part of changing lives this Easter!
Ephesians 3:20
“Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.”
Glory be to God!
The beginning of this verse puts everything we do into perspective for me. God put us here to honor and glorify Him. Not to say “Hey look, I'm so great, I'm so wonderful” But so that we can show the world who He is, so that we can be living examples of His love. We are coming to Crossroads to glorify God. We are leading our kids to bring glory to God. In turn we are teaching them how to bring glory to God. How cool is that?!
Jesus “with skin on”
We bring glory to God in Kid Crossing by becoming Jesus “with skin on” to our kids. Kids look up to people who are older than they are. They want to be just like you. Many of them come from broken homes or bad situations. You may be the only adult they associate with God. Our kids are going to learn who Jesus is, not by the information we teach them, but by the love we show them, by our actions, by how we treat them and others. Kids will watch every move you make. We are the ones who will make Jesus real...for the good or the bad. The question we have to ask ourselves every week, every day even, is “How am I being Jesus with skin on to the kids (and other adults) I'm interacting with? “
Share Examples this week
Let me know how you brought Glory to God this week, in Kid Crossing or any area of your life. OR let me know how you saw someone else bringing Glory to God and being Jesus with skin on. Then I'll pass your examples on to the rest of the team so we can celebrate!
email me:
call me: 517-270=538
stop me in the hall: somewhere between the cafeteria, the gym, the library, or the auditorium :)
Questions to ponder this week
Are you glorifying God in your life and your ministry? How?
How will our kids see “Jesus with skin on” in you this week? Next week?
Who can you invite to serve with you so that they can experience glorifying God by serving His kids?
Pray this week about how you can bring Glory to God by being Jesus with skin on to those you work with, live with, and serve.
Dear God,
Thank you for creating us to bring glory to You. Help us this week to look for and find ways that we can bring glory to You. Help us to be Jesus with skin on to our kids, and everyone we come in contact with. Amen.
Policy Reminder of the week:
Do NOT let any child leave your area without properly checking and matching the child's tag and parent's receipt. If either tag or receipt is missing there are missing receipt forms to fill out. If you are unsure what to do radio for a KC Director and one of us will come help you.
Take a little extra time. It's OK if a parent gets upset or has to stay 5 more minutes. Our kids' safety is worth it. Our safety system is only as good as we follow through with it.
No Exceptions!
Upcoming Events:
KC Inside Story: March 2 from 1:00 – 3:00
What is Kid Crossing all about?
Learn Policies and Procedures
Invite someone who you think wants to make a difference and come with them
Required for new volunteers and those who haven't come to one yet.
Lunch & Child care will be provided
Egg Stuffing: March 16 at 3pm
Egg Hunt: March 21 at 8pm
Crossroads Easter Experiences:
Saturday, March 22, 4pm and 5:30pm
Sunday, March 23, 9:30am and 11am
Sign up for the experiences that you will get to be a part of changing lives this Easter!
Volunteer Thought from 2/17
Ephesians 3:20
“Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.”
The “buried” verse
I discovered this verse at the end of last summer and used it to kick off our school year in Kid Crossing. Unfortunately in the hustle and bustle of “getting ministry done” as the year has gone by, this incredible verse got pushed to the back of my desk, and was piled upon, literally and figuratively by the other “stuff” on my desk. This week, after some time praying and refocusing, God reminded me of this verse, and I moved “everything” off my desk to find it.
More than I dared to ask or hope for
Thankfully God is bigger than me and my piles and I can see how God is doing more than I could dare to ask or hope for despite me. Here's an example: Shortly after we had our fall kick off, that most of you didn't know about soon enough to plan for, I really had no one else besides myself in the deepest level of Kid Crossing Leadership. I now have Melonie – Group Life Director, Lee - Communications Director, and Alicia – Operations Director. Way more than I dared to ask or even hope for.
Exploring the verse
I'd like to take the next few weeks to continue to explore this verse with you and look at the impact it can have in Kid Crossing and in our own lives. As you think about this verse in the coming weeks, I'd love to hear from you how God is using it in your life.
Questions to ponder this week
What is God doing in your life that is more than you could dare to ask or hope for?
What do you see God doing in your ministry that is more than you could dare to ask or hope for?
How can God use you to accomplish more than you could ask or hope for in the lives of your kids – the ones you interact with and serve each week in Kid Crossing?
Pray this week about how God can use you to accomplish infinitely more than you dare to ask or hope for.
Dear God,
Thank you for being there for us, even when we get busy with all our “stuff and piles”. Thank you for promising to do more than we could dare to ask or hope for. Help us to see the plans you have for us. Help us to be willing and obedient to be used by you in our lives, our ministry, our jobs, wherever we are, so that through your power we can accomplish infinitely more than we could ever consider without you. Amen.
Policy Reminder of the week:
Know your area's bathroom policy. If you don't know the specifics ask Shari, Melonie or Lee.
NO child should go to the bathroom alone and NO adult should take a child to the bathroom alone. Know where your closest bathrooms are located.
Bathroom breaks during Large Group time should ONLY be permitted if it is an emergency.
Upcoming Events:
Baptism: February 24
Volunteer Expo: February 24
KC Inside Story: March 2 from 1:00 – 3:00
Egg Stuffing: March 16 at 3pm
Egg Hunt: March 21 at 8pm
Crossroads Easter Experiences:
Saturday, March 22, 4pm and 5:30pm
Sunday, March 23, 9:30am and 11am
“Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.”
The “buried” verse
I discovered this verse at the end of last summer and used it to kick off our school year in Kid Crossing. Unfortunately in the hustle and bustle of “getting ministry done” as the year has gone by, this incredible verse got pushed to the back of my desk, and was piled upon, literally and figuratively by the other “stuff” on my desk. This week, after some time praying and refocusing, God reminded me of this verse, and I moved “everything” off my desk to find it.
More than I dared to ask or hope for
Thankfully God is bigger than me and my piles and I can see how God is doing more than I could dare to ask or hope for despite me. Here's an example: Shortly after we had our fall kick off, that most of you didn't know about soon enough to plan for, I really had no one else besides myself in the deepest level of Kid Crossing Leadership. I now have Melonie – Group Life Director, Lee - Communications Director, and Alicia – Operations Director. Way more than I dared to ask or even hope for.
Exploring the verse
I'd like to take the next few weeks to continue to explore this verse with you and look at the impact it can have in Kid Crossing and in our own lives. As you think about this verse in the coming weeks, I'd love to hear from you how God is using it in your life.
Questions to ponder this week
What is God doing in your life that is more than you could dare to ask or hope for?
What do you see God doing in your ministry that is more than you could dare to ask or hope for?
How can God use you to accomplish more than you could ask or hope for in the lives of your kids – the ones you interact with and serve each week in Kid Crossing?
Pray this week about how God can use you to accomplish infinitely more than you dare to ask or hope for.
Dear God,
Thank you for being there for us, even when we get busy with all our “stuff and piles”. Thank you for promising to do more than we could dare to ask or hope for. Help us to see the plans you have for us. Help us to be willing and obedient to be used by you in our lives, our ministry, our jobs, wherever we are, so that through your power we can accomplish infinitely more than we could ever consider without you. Amen.
Policy Reminder of the week:
Know your area's bathroom policy. If you don't know the specifics ask Shari, Melonie or Lee.
NO child should go to the bathroom alone and NO adult should take a child to the bathroom alone. Know where your closest bathrooms are located.
Bathroom breaks during Large Group time should ONLY be permitted if it is an emergency.
Upcoming Events:
Baptism: February 24
Volunteer Expo: February 24
KC Inside Story: March 2 from 1:00 – 3:00
Egg Stuffing: March 16 at 3pm
Egg Hunt: March 21 at 8pm
Crossroads Easter Experiences:
Saturday, March 22, 4pm and 5:30pm
Sunday, March 23, 9:30am and 11am
Successful Move!
So, I just noticed I hadn't blogged since just before Kid Crossing's move to new spaces. Our move was a huge success! Everything went off without a hitch. Only our pre-K area needed a little tweaking, and even that has now settled into place. It's great having all of our kids areas in close proximity to each other! Better for our families, our volunteers, and Me! (However I did think my pedometer would register fewer steps since we were all in one general location - but that hasn't proven to be true yet.)
If I can get our resident computer genius (aka my husband) to show me how to put pictures on my blog I'll add a few picts of our new environments! Once again God knew what he was doing, even when we didn't!
If I can get our resident computer genius (aka my husband) to show me how to put pictures on my blog I'll add a few picts of our new environments! Once again God knew what he was doing, even when we didn't!
Kid Crossing Weekly Volunteer thoughts
One of the great benefits from moving all of our kids' environments closer together is that we now are able to meet with our volunteers for prayer prior to our Kids' worship experiences. While, it is still not without challenges, our gatherings at 8:10 and 11:10 have been getting larger. It's very exciting for me to be able to connect and pray with our volunteers.
Each week we have a volunteer thought and questions to ponder for the next week, along with updates, policy reminders, and any other important info. I'm going to start posting these on my blog (at least the ones that aren't copyrighted) each week. This way if you're a Kid Crossing volunteer and you prefer an electronic copy to a paper copy, or you forget your paper copy, or you don't make it to our gathering one week, you can still get the info here.
We'll see how it works :)
Each week we have a volunteer thought and questions to ponder for the next week, along with updates, policy reminders, and any other important info. I'm going to start posting these on my blog (at least the ones that aren't copyrighted) each week. This way if you're a Kid Crossing volunteer and you prefer an electronic copy to a paper copy, or you forget your paper copy, or you don't make it to our gathering one week, you can still get the info here.
We'll see how it works :)
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